Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm with Busey

So, I was driving back and forth between Phoenix and Tucson as I've been known to do from time to time. It was pretty uneventful. However, I did see a Highway Patrol officer standing outside a person's car writing them a ticket. This would fall into the realm of uneventful except for one thing. I swear to you, it was Gary Busey writing the ticket.

You read correctly. I think Gary Busey, star of such films as Predator 2 and Rookie of the Year, is posing as a Highway Patrolman on the I-10 between Phoenix and Tucson. Now if it was any other celebrity, I would just assume that the two pounds of mushrooms in my stomach were starting to kick in. But Gary Busey is just crazy enough to track DPS officers until he finds one who wears his size uniform, lure the officer into the desert, tie him up, steal his uniform and car, then drive around pretending to be a member of the Highway Patrol.

My initial reaction was fear. What if Highway Patrol Busey pulls me over? What would I do? The fear quickly melted away, however. The Busey is crazy, but not dangerous crazy. My next reaction was hope. If Highway Patrol Busey pulls me over, I can ask for an autograph. And this would be a big event for me, since Gary Busey is a member of the Hollywood Pentaveret known as The Society of Exalted Actors.

If you've never heard of the group, I'm not surprised. Not only are they highly secretive, I just made them up. This is the group of actors who not only improve any movie they're in, but they also seem like cool people. And each one might be a little crazy. The members of the group are as follows:

  1. Oscar Winner Sir Michael Caine
  2. Christopher Walken
  3. Crispin Glover
  4. Steve Buscemi
  5. Gary Busey

Oscar Winner Sir Michael Caine (that's his full legal name) is at the top of the list because he is the closest to being sane. I defy anybody out there to tell me these aren't Hollywood's coolest gentlemen. If you ran into any of these guys at a party, you'd be telling the story for the rest of your life. Your closest friends would get sick of hearing it and eventually stop hanging out with you, but who cares about them - they never shook hands with George McFly. And any movie these guys are in is instantly good. Or at the very least, a cult classic (I'm looking at you, Ed and His Dead Mother). If you can get all five in one movie, it would be pure Hollywood Gold. Especially if you got fellow crazy person Tim Burton to direct.

And thus begins my blog. Created for no other purpose than to give me something do (and to warn people of the Busey Menaceā„¢), I hope to occasionally write something stupid enough to elicit a chuckle from anybody reading it. I'll probably get bored with it soon enough.


Blogger Saul said...


5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaving out Steve Buscemi--NAY, the entire cast of Reservoir Dogs--disturbs the very foundation of S.E.A. Shame on you, sir.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Montgomery said...

Anonymous is not drunk. I edited the post. Steve Buscemi used to be William Shatner on my list. Then my wonderful girlfriend pointed out the error of my ways, so I changed it.

1:04 AM  

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