Friday, August 26, 2005

NYP #4: Brick Out

During our trip to New York City, we went to the Empire State Building. Something that touristy demands a visit. It was fun. We were high up. On a building. Yeah. It's more fun than it sounds. Really. Here, take a look:

See? Fun!

But all that fun came to a screeching halt when I discovered what I call The International Conspicuous Brick Mystery™, or ICBM (I hope that acronym isn't already taken - I'd have to reorder the t shirts). If you're afraid of conspiracies, read no further. If you are nervous about secret societies and international subterfuge, close your internets explorer now. If you love coffee, go here. If you're ready to have your eyes opened, read on and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

What you're about to see may keep you up at night. It might give you nightmares. It might be built up for comedic effect and because of my writer's block. Whatever the case, it will have some impact on your fragile psyche. Without further ado, I present to you:

A single wooden brick

Bit of a let down? Hehe, probably thought it would be something intriguing.

But seriously, what the hell? Every brick at the top of the Empire State building is regular stone brick. Except this one. Why?? Does it have historical significance? Was their a really cheap maintenance work? Or is it a signal to spies, containing a message or emergency supplies?

My vote is for the latter. Think about it - a brick that stands out so much that nobody would expect it to have secrets. If I was looking for secret messages, I'd try to find the most average brick. I don't know how I'd do that, but...shut up.

My theory is further supported by the next discovery:

A missing brick

This missing brick was (not) found at Liberty Island, home of the world famous Statue of Liberty Island.

I know what you're saying - "That brick was probably broken or stolen." Oh, and imagine you said that in a high pitch, whiny voice. If only life were that easy, smart guy. Two historic sites. Two conspicuous brick locations. Coincidence? I think not. Obviously they carry secret messages, or clues in a scavenger hunt. The message at Liberty Island was already discovered, while the message at the Empire State building is waiting to be found. I only wish I had looked under that wooden brick. But seing its secrets might have shaken the foundation of my very existence...

I only hope The International Conspicuous Brick Mystery doesn't ruin my life, and the lives of anybody reading this. Maybe I should have kept it to myself.

This post brought to you by writer's block, boredom, schizophrenia, the letter B and the number 9.


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