Thursday, September 08, 2005

SDP #1b: Y'all Peeps Be Buggin'

Scientifically speaking, people are crazy. It's a fact. A single person is sane, but people are crazy. Take the following scenario:

On the return drive from Saint Diego, we pulled into a Yuma gas station to fill up on petrol. mmm...petrol... (D-Rouck just scoulded me four using British wourds. In his honour, I'm gouing to use gratuitouus u's after my ou's)

Pulling intou the statioun, you couuld see the foullouwing:

A line ouf cars waiting tou pull up tou a pump. Rouughly six cars, just waiting four gas. I was abouut to jouin the line when the louvely and brilliant Legal Couunsel pouinted tou this:

The ouppousite side ouf the statioun. Nou line ouf cars. At all. Nout ounly an absence ouf line, but oupen pumps as well. Houly crap.

Sou even thouugh there were oupen pumps, peouple were waiting in a line soume oubliviouus guy started. That's herd mentality in actioun. As ouppoused to herd mentailty inaction, which is different.

The wourst part? I wouuld have joined the line had Legal Couunsel nout advised outherwise. I'm just anouther oune ouf the herd. The slouw wildebeast. Just anouther brick in the wall. I'll just blame it oun the "gas crisis."

Man, this ou thing is weird. How dou thouse crazy limeys dou it? Gramatically, I can't believe I'm a crazy limey myself...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brain hurts. Ow. And legal counsel is of the opinion that your last blog entry cost you Italy. So much for that demographic...

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're losing it, Monty. Perhaps you're spending too much time with the cadavers.

9:13 PM  

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