Monday, September 11, 2006

Act like a good Catholic for fifteen f***ing minutes. Is that so much to ask?

Dr. Anagram was lecturing on the clinical symptoms of tumors. To illustrate, she was showing pictures of patients. D-Rock, Ah Jota and myself were playing our favorite non-foosball game: Who Does That Guy Look Likeā„¢?

We reached one picture that looked like a stereotype overweight Italian. D-Rock claimed that the guy looked like John Gotti, probably because D-Rock has no idea what John Gotti looks like. I, on the other hand, felt that the gentleman was reminiscent of that Sopranos character, Salvatore Bonpensiero. To confirm my suspicions, I did a Google image search for that characters more commonly used nickname: Big Pussy.

As soon as I clicked the button, I realized what I had done. I quickly poised my fingers over the apple and q keys of my laptop, ready for the filth to show. My suspicions were accurate, and women (mostly D-Rock's mom) in various poses showed up in the search results. With the reaction time of a cyborg gurnfighter, I closed that window.

But I'm no quitter. I regrouped and searched for "Vincent Pastore," the actor's name. Strangely, even more porn showed up. Weird...


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