Monday, October 16, 2006

The Ultimate Pog!

This weekend I was shopping for birthday gifts to give to Legal Counsel's nieces, who I affectionately refer to as Big and Little. Big just turned 7 and Little just turned 3. They're cute, but cunning. Watch your back.

We were walking through the "What the hell are we doing to Children" section, aka Bratz, and turned a corner to see something totally unexpected. More unexpected than 11 year old dolls dressed like low- to medium-priced prostitutes. More unexpected than toys for 3 year olds with more computing power than is owned by some small governments. More unexpected than Dubya being re-elected. What I saw...were pogs.

I couldn't believe it! I still can't believe it! The addictive as crack, spreading like the plague, banned as gambling hobby from my youth is making a comeback! I've been joking about it pogs for a few weeks and suddenly they're actually back. I thought I was going to have a joy-gasm.

For those of you not familiar with Pogs, let me give a little explanation. Pogs started as a way for companies to market garbage to children. You stack milk-caps and try to flip them with heavier milk-caps. Then they started printing pogs with pictures of cartoons, movies and OJ Simpson. I swear I once saw a pog which had his face and it read, "The Juice is Loose." I love the early/mid 90s. I bet if you looked hard enough you could find a pair of Menendez Pogs. I also got a bunch of free Salt River Project pogs at the AZ State Fair. Score.

It was a really simple, stupid game and I loved it. I was a dumb kid. Hell, I'm a dumb adult; if somebody had pogs I'd totally play and be happy as Mark Foley speaking at a high school graduation. Wait, that doesn't sound right...middle school graduation, yeah that works. But as much as people joke about pogs, I don't think they'd actually play. They don't take my loves seriously...sniffle.

I used to have huge tubes full of pogs and metal slammers. It was suh-weet. And as quickly I started playing, I stopped. It just ended. The schools started banning pogs as a form of gambling (you'd get to keep the flipped caps). It disappeared like a fart in the wind. Sunk into the ocean like Atlantis, only to resurface yesterday. I need to bring those moldy old pogs out of storage and start hanging out at the elementary school. More than I already do. I really want to see the TV news start doing reports on pogs again, another fond youth memory. Why does the news like to report on stupid ass kid trends? Probably the same reason I'm doing it now - they're awesome.

I get to cross off another item on my "Childhood Memories which need to return":
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • War with Iraq
  • Pogs
  • Slap bracelets
  • OJ Simpson
  • Skip It


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