Thursday, January 11, 2007

Reunited and it feels so good

When Legal Counsel and I were in Rome waiting for our bags, we watched the luggage belt go 'round and 'round dozens of times before losing all hope. During those last minutes of hope, I watched a broken luggage handle without a bag go 'round and 'round dozens of times and I thought to myself, "Haha...suckers." And no matter how upset I was that we lost our bags, I always thought back to that handle and realized we were better off than those losers who only had a broken handle delivered.

Well it looks like we should have picked up that lonely grip. That's right, our final bag was delivered (hooray!)...minus one handle (boo!). Looks like we were the losers. Kind of funny actually. Oh well, it's a relief to be reunited with our belongings. I'm happy.

The best part was watching Legal Counsel open the bag. She was all full of cheer and amazement. It was like watching Rene Belloq open the Arc of the Covenant. Plus, it made my face melt.


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