Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun.

In the course of my life, I've developed certain trigger words. When I hear specific words and phrases, it causes me to say other words and phrases without thinking. I can't stop it, they just come out. They change constantly, but I always have at least a few. Here are some of my current trigger/response pairs:

I love _____ - "I love lamp."
tumor - (in Arnold voice) "It's not a tum-ah"
bear/bare - "Our number one threat: bears."
_______ 2 - "Electric Boogaloo" or "The Legend of Curly's Gold"
any 4 syllable word - the "ma-nah ma-nah" Muppets song
Is it worth it? - "Let me work it. Put my thing down flip it and reverse it...."
stapler - "He took my stapler"

I'm sure there are many more, but those are off the top of my head. In the short time I've known D-Rock, he has displayed a few as well:

towel/tau - "Don't forget to bring a towel/tau"
anything related to California - random Arnold quotes
beat, drop the beat - human beatbox
first displayed when discussing heart function, Wenckebach/Mobitz
quit - "I wish I knew how to quit you"

And lately we are both triggered by any possible "your mom" jokes. Which, I must say, have gotten out of control. Oh well, it makes the other med students laugh. Even if D-Rock and I are crying on the inside...

I'm in a weird state with respect to my blog. I really want to write, but I can't think of anything to write about. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here. This just solidifies my theory that I'm an improv comic. no prepared material. Anybody know how to get the creative juices flowing?


Blogger Montgomery said...

Sounds awesome! I wish I was bald. And I totally endorse replacing all O's with hearts. It's not the least bit annoying!

4:06 PM  

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