Thursday, February 23, 2006

I want to play a game.

So I've got this physiology professor. His name is Dantzler. William Dantzler. William Dantzler, M.D.. William Dantzler, M.D., Ph.D.. Usually when you say his name you have to put the emphasis on the "dance" part of the name and use jazz hands/spirit fingers. I also call him Dantzler Dantzler Revolution. I believe that he secretly runs a choreography studio, based entirely on his name.

Dr. DDR has a unique look. Big bushy beard and an even bushier mustache. It's really quite glorious. Here, take a look:

Nice, right? I love the fact that his mouth is recessed a full inch behind his beard hair. I dream of jumping on his back and grabbing his 'stache like the reigns of a horse and riding him around the med school. Oh, by the way, he's always happy. Always. And he wears a pocket protector.

For whatever reason, his face draws a plethora of comparisons. For example, he looks like a schnauzer. Obsoive:

Uncanny, isn't it. Not 5 minutes ago, he was showing the respiratory response to blood pH changes - i.e. excessive breathing. It looked like he was panting. Hilarious.

One day it was noted that his mustache doesn't move when he talks. It's just one giant extension of his upper lip that covers the sides of his mouth. As a result, only his bottom jaw moves when he talks. Which begs comparison to a ventriloquist's dummy:

God those things are creepy... He might look more like a nutcracker:

The problem with this comparison is that you'd have to see him talk to fully appreciate it. However, if you combine the dummy/nutcracker analogy with a recent film, you get the most disturbingly accurate comparison yet:

The device you are wearing is hooked into your jaw. When the timer in the back goes off, your mouth will be permanently ripped open.

I'm sitting here looking at him and getting the jibblies. It's so disturbing. Ih he had a little more blush to his cheek I'd run screaming from this room right now. And with his degrees, he probably knows tons of elaborate ways to kill people. Yikes. How I long for the days that I saw him as a schnauzer...


Blogger Montgomery said...

Who's this Colan guy? My name is Montgomery. But this Colan gentleman certainly sounds brilliant and sexy...

New house, eh? But you guys loved the old one so much. Remember the day without water? Oh, memories...good times. How is the new place? Still in Marana? And how are you guys doing? How are the dogs?

I keep intending to visit you guys, maybe for some Scrubs, eh? But then the real world gets in the way. Grr...I'm booked until March 20 - studying, midterms, then a cruise. Maybe after then. Scrubs? Bedrocks?

Thanks for helping me achieve celebrity status! No pressure or anything, hehe. If any of your friends would like to donate to the Montgomery Fund, I can get them the details...

9:23 AM  

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