Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's all about helping kids.

Random Cartoon Memory o' the Day: ProStars

Does anybody remember this show? For some reason it popped into my head and now it's just rolling around there. I'm hoping that writing about it will bring me back to sanity. (this post is based mostly on jumbled memories and slightly on Wikipedia facts)

If you don't remember, here's the premise: professional athletes travel the world fighting crime and helping children. Totally realistic, right? That's exactly what athletes do with their time - help people. I don't even know why I liked the show. I sucked at sports and never watched them on TV. Mostly I stuck to soccer, which wasn't even represented in this show.

I know you're dying to hear the lineup, so here it is: Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and Bo Jackson. They each represented their respective sports. You don't know them? Sigh. Michael Jordan - basketsball; Wayne Gretzky - curling; Bo Jackson - football and baseball (the only reason he was chosen = two sport representation).

Jordan and Gretzky will always be famous. bo Jackson might be largely forgotten. Bo played both baseball and football, which was a pretty big deal. And I guess he played both well, not like when Jordan tried his hand at baseball. Bo knows football. Bo knows baseball. What is Bo up to nowadays? Does anybody know? Bo knows welfare.

They each had their own archetype personalities, as is the standard in 80s and 90s cartoons. Michael Jordan was the smart, Leonardo-esque leader of the team. Bo Jackson was the short-tempered, Raphael tough guy. Wayne Gretzky was the comic relief Michaelangelo character, who always wanted to eat. Their boss "Mom," whom I don't remember, was a Q type gadget maker - a combination of Splinter and Donatello.

As a side note, I find myself frequently grouping people based on what Ninja Turtle they would be. When applied to TV show or movie characters, it works every time. But I also use this in the real world. Most people can be described using one or two turtle characters (I also use villains like Krang or Rat King and secondary characters like Ace Duck, too). Dr. T-Bag is probably Raphael/Baxter Stockman, for example TMNT has played a major role in sculpting my life...and my appreciation for Vanilla Ice. In case you're wondering, I wish I was Donatello but feel like I'm more of a Michaelangelo.

As a side not to my side note, my all time favorite TMNT action figure was Muckman:

Back to the task at hand...

So these altruistic athletes would spend their magically overlapping off-seasons fighting crime and pollution (roughly 95% of peri-1990 cartoons fought pollution, why does it still exist?). To accomplish this feat, they'd use sports-themed gadgets. This is probably what intrigued me about the show. I love gadgets (or anything) disguised as other something else (Transformers). So Bo Jackson would hit a baseball at the enemy, which would split apart with a rope between the halves, acting like a bolo t snag the enemy. Jordan's basketball would explode with sleeping gas. Gretzky his hockey pucks. Or something.

The weird thing about the show was that the actual athletes were affiliated and even appeared, but they didn't voice their own characters. H*R, you hit the nail right on the head. They'd show up live action style to deliver "And knowing is half the battle" style messages to the kiddies. But they couldn't be bothered to voice their own avatars. Probably because they can't read. And I bet Bo Jackson destroyed a sound studio with his baseball bat and a bucket of steroids. The people who actually did the voices have rich children's cartoon resumes. I think the constitution says that if you do voice acting for one cartoon, you have to do it for at least 30 others.

Well, it was good to get that out of my brain. If you remember the show, you may have been amused. If not, you were probably bored. Either way, I hope I infected you with early-90s cartoon fever. It's fatal, FYI. So...yeah. Make the most of your time before Captain Planet bursts from your skull. Now my mind is clear of childhood cartoon memories. Let's hope it lasts. Uh oh. I feel a new one coming...must...resist. Blargh! Stunt Dawgs...damn it! A team of stuntmen who fight crime. And probably pollution.

Now I feel motivated to write about the Mutant League series of games...

If the fact that I just spent 700 words (2700 if you count the pictures) describing a cartoon isn't evidence that I should go into pediatrics, I don't know what is...


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