Tuesday, May 30, 2006

2006: A Facial Hair Odyssey

aka Dr. Strangebeard or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Handlebar Mustache
aka A Thinly-Veiled Tribute to my own Face

As finals approached I did what any self respecting man would do when facing a stressful situation: I grew a beard. Most of you out there probably aren't surprised, I did have a beard for 4 years after all. And like the original Big Red Beardâ„¢, this one was spurred along by other like minded individuals. 5 years ago, it was Larkitect and Pepe LePew as a beard growing contest. This year it was Bees, D-Rock, Ah Jota, and Sawa as a teamwork Playoff Beard. Which I claimed was a contest, against their insistence that it wasn't. I totally won.

So what's a rugged red-bearded man to do once his fuzzy facial friend has outlived its usefulness? (and it was useful - stroking the beard helps a guy think) The answer is simple: explore a career in facial hair modeling! Here we go!!

The Berzerker

Our starting point. Cuddly like a teddy bear, deadly like grizzly bear. A buffet of manliness.

The Debonair Viking

After a hair cut, beard untouched. Business on top, party down below.

The Shannon Hamilton

This made me look way too much like Benaffleck. Jibbly. I almost married J-Lo. Double Jibbly.

Wait, I forgot one. Let's take a step back.

The Halfleck

Stangely enough, I like this one better. Moving on...

Shaved Reindeer

Trimmed Aflac. Still too Bartleby...

The Whitfield

I love it! Even though I look like a Southern Civil War General or Nascar fan or Klan member (I guess they're all the same), I think it's pretty sweet. So cool. So trashy.

The "Dapper Dan"

Probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen. If I had this as a pediatrician, I'd get more criminal charges than patients. I don't even know how that would work, but it would happen. I laughed my ass off for about 5 minutes when I saw this one. Legal Counsel made me pretend to be a Highway Patrol...guy.

The "Littering And..".

The Not-so-Dapper Dan

The most flattering picture of me ever.

The Montgomery

And finally my smooth, clean shaven self. I still prefer the Handlebar:

The South Shall Rise Again!

Things I still need to blog about: the double move and my bat mitzvah experience. Well, not my bat mitzvah. Legal Counsel's cousin's bat mitzvah. So many 13-year old girls (calm down, D-Rock) and boys (calm down, D-Rock's mom). Life is moving faster than my time to blog. Nooo!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compare "The Whitfield" to

9:40 PM  
Blogger Montgomery said...

I'll be commenting on that soon...

10:15 PM  

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