Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Get the point?

I remember a time not so long ago when I could look at the back of my hands and see no less than three pencil tips embedded within my skin. #2 pencils, I'm sure. They were originally placed during my elementary school years and were visible as recently as high school, I believe. Now they're all gone.

I can't figure out how they got there. What was I doing in my early years that resulted in pencil tips breaking off in my skin? I vaguely remember the aftermath of whatever activity it was - seeing the graphite in there with very slight bleeding. But I don't remember what activity lead up to it. In all my years since, I have not jabbed any pencils into my hand. Not one since I was a kid. What was wrong with me?

But it's not that uncommon. My informal poll has shown that most people did the same thing. Probably 4 out of 5 people surveyed have or had at least one writing implement installed beneath the epidermis. Even Legal Counsel, the smartest person I know, admitted to having the end of a pencil in her beautiful hands (although I never noticed because I "don't pay enough attention to her"). Little kids are bizarre. Does anybody out there remember how they did it?

And another burning question is: where did they go? I can't see them anymore. Maybe a little bit of one, but they are mostly gone. They stuck around for about 8 years or more, and now they are gone. Where did they go? I kind of miss them. They were like my little hand pets that never needed cleaning and only occasionally needed feeding. That's it...I'm finding a pencil...

[that thing about me not paying attention to my Legal Counsel was a joke. please don't hurt me]


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