Thursday, April 20, 2006


I'm in class for the first time this week, and I'm already distracted. Big surprise. Class isn't for learning, I say, it's for blogging. Class = blogging, out of class = learning. Don't question it.

I'd like to point out that none of the usual gang is here. I'm going to go ahead and believe that the only reason they come to class is to see me. No Colan = no attendance. That's very sweet, guys. But now I'm lonely...

I don't have time for a real post right now. So much time and so little to do. No wait - strike that, reverse it. But I will recreate one of Areenos' blog posts that I had a hand in creating:

Legal Counsel, Areenos and I were sitting around the house. As is common, LC and I were probably making fun of Areenos and about how evil she is. She started talking, in her joking whiny voice, about how mean we are to her. That's how the "How mean is Areenos" contest began.

Legal Counsel: We can do better.
Areenos: Sounds good, let's see it. (she's a masochist, apparently)
Montgomery: It's on.

M: She once consumed a baby in one sitting.
LC: She once punted a puppy across a football field.
M: Kitten...blender...Areenos...true story.
LC: She poisoned Mother Theresa.
M: ...before consuming her.
LC: She said she would donate to the Red Cross, but just bought a latte instead.
M: She hit jimmy Carter with a couch.
LC: *something clever that the stenographer missed*
M: After the Exxon Valdez disaster, she offered to clean the oil off animals - only so she could spill oil on them again.
LC: She was asked to be an executioner, but she refused to wear the mask.
M: Areenos invented the bird flu.
LC: She painted a nursery in lead.
M: She once burned down an orphanage just to light a cigarette.
LC: Areenos often steals sandwiches from the homeless.
M: Did you know the phrase "taking candy from a baby" originated from Areenos?
LC: Areenos once threw up in a funeral plot.
M: When Moussaoui took the stand, he gave a shot out to Areenos.
LC: Jimmy Hoffa disappears, Areenos appears. Coincidence?
M: She's the second greatest producer of greenhouse gases in the western hemisphere.
LC: *laughing*
M: She was the Executive Producer of The Anna Nicole Smith Show.

At this point, Legal Counsel and I were laughing our asses off. Laughing too hard to see Areenos run out of the room crying. This was a fun game.

EDIT - she didn't really cry. She was laughing harder than we were. But saying she cried is funnier. In the "How Mean is Areenos" contest, everybody is a winner...except Areenos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Atleast give me credit for not running out of the room crying and enjoying a good laugh at my expense! meanie :)

2:09 PM  

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