Monday, August 07, 2006

Granulomas and Pink Underwear

Today's pathology lecture is on granulomas, a specific kind of chronic inflammation. One of the characteristic features of a granuloma is caseous necrosis (a specific kind of cell death) in its center. The "caseous" nomenclature comes from the German word for "cheese." Why? Because the dead cell mass looks like cheese.

Disgusting. I'd say I'm upset at pathologists for naming various processes after food, but I totally did the same thing in anatomy lab. Some fat masses looked like popcorn. Muscles looked like beef. Tongue looked like tongue. It's just an easy comparison to make. But I think cheese is one of the most disgusting comparisons yet. Dead human flesh being juxtaposed with delicious curdled milk just isn't cool. And I'm going to the Melting Pot on Friday. Damn you, Richard Sobonya MD!

Speaking of Richard Sobonya, here he is:

He is a sexy beast. And who does he look like?

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe "The Bonesaw" Arpaio. Identical Twins, I say. Or maybe fraternal twins. Or brothers. At the very least, they are two totally unrelated people living in the same state.

Lets look at the facts. (1) Dr. Sobonya is wearing a pink shirt today. Arpaio loves him the pink clothes. (2) Both have common first names and fairly unique last names. (3) Dr. Sobonya lives in a tent down at the abandoned train station. Arpaio created tent city. (4) Joe Arpaio served in the Korean War. Dr. Sobonya has an undying hatred of Koreans. (5) Joe Arpaio is famous for being hard on† prisoners, and not taking shit from anybody. Dr. Sobonya beat one of the students in my class into a coma then, with his face caked in blood, looked at us and asked, "Any questions?"

Let's ask the Magic 8-Ball.
Montgomery: Is Dr. Sobonya somehow connected to Joe Arpaio?
8-Ball: Signs point to yes.

There you have it. Similar in appearance and behavior. Maybe related.

I should note that Dr. Sobonya now has a goatee. It kind of makes him look like Colonel Sanders, but not really. I don't know why I said that. I should also note that you can rearrange the letters in his name to spell "his bad coronary." I hope that doesn't come true...



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