Saturday, September 13, 2008

Burn before eating

I'm currently rotating through the county a tornado or washing machine. Despite the images that "county hospital" typically conjures, it's not so bad. The attending physicians are great, the facilities are only moderately dilapidated and the IV medications only rarely cause vampirism. Overall, I like the place.

Unfortunately, it is not known as a bastion of gourmet cuisine. As an example, I got a chicken salad the other day and the "chicken" was a chunky grey paste. Literally. I'm fairly certain you'd have to run a chicken through a jet turbine to get that consistency of poultry. Either that or trick the poor bird into opening the Ark of the Covenant.

On the plus side, the food's free. Yessir, I get up to $18 worth of free grub down in the the morgue and pathology lab. Hmmm, never made that connection before. Yikes. Why eighteen dollars? Because $19 would bankrupt the hospital and people would starve on $17. At least that's what they told me when I asked.

There is one shining point during my culinary workweek. Thursday - for thursdays are Mexican food day. Their Mexican food is actual honest-to-god, restaurant quality food. So tasty. It's like I'm eating Felipe Calderón's juicy innards. And to top it off, I've been making my own lunchtime margaritas. (here's my secret: lots of tequila)

They also have fresh fruit, so I've been eating multiple apples every day I'm there. I love apples. I love them. I'd marry an apple if I wasn't already married to Legal Counsel. And even still, I'm considering moving to Colorado City so I can marry a whole bushel. It would be the most delicious honeymoon ever.

Ummm...I can't really think of anything else to say about the food.

The Tally: 6/0/4


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