Friday, March 26, 2010

Top of the muffin to you!

Happy belated St Patrick's Day! I like St Patty's day for several reasons. First, I like the color green. Even if it isn't easy being it. Second, the first time Legal Counsel and I went to Disneyland together was on or around St Patrick's Day. Third, it's an excuse to drink. Fourth, it's an excuse to eat slimy beef and gas-inducing vegetables:

Fifth, and perhaps most of all, is the Shamrock Shake. I've probably written multiple times on the virtues of the Shamrock Shake, but I can't emphasize enough how amazing it is. This semi-gelatinous, unnaturally green beverage truly is modern ambrosia. Here it is, in all its glory:

Unfortunately, when Legal Counsel and I went to McDonald's, we had to endure this delightful exchange.

(Legal Counsel is wearing a sweater with Mickey Mouse on it)
McDonald's Lady: If you think Disney is popular here, you should see it in China.
Legal Counsel: Oh, have you been to China?
McDonald's Lady: No, but in the Chinese Cultural Center here they have a whole wall of Disney in their movie room.
(awkward silence while I ignore the fact that every store in America that sells DVD's has a Disney section)
McDonald's Lady: They even put Mickey in one of those Chinese hats!
(awakward silence. What the hell is a Chinese hat?)
McDonald's Lady: I have a theory that animation from one culture is always more popular in other cultures. Like the Chinese. And Mexicans.

As you can see, things started to get a little racist. Why do things always go racist around me? Anyway, we managed to keep our trappers shut and politely nod long enough to avoid getting a green, slimy lougie in our green, slimy drinks.

Only 356 days until St Patrick's Day 2011...


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