Monday, November 07, 2005

Level Up!

Well, I moved again this weekend. Where did I move? Into the house of my beautiful, brilliant, sweet girlfriend, Legal Counsel. We've taken it to the next level, which is awesome. Sure we practically lived together already, but now it's official. So cool. I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.

We've been told that we are living in sin. And they're right - I feel awful about living contrary to a moral code hundreds of years outdated. But allowing Legal Counsel to go to school is considered "living in sin" by those same morals. Get back in the kitchen, Legal Counsel! Oh god...please don't let her know I said that. I can't take the beatings...

A secondary advantage of living with Legal Counsel is not living at Fox Point anymore. That place is full of people with mental problems (yeah, you got mental problems, man). Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm convinced that the apartments are where people with mental problems are sent to start living independently. There are a lot of people with Down's Syndrome, which I don't care about. They're friendly. But one day I saw two women shouting at each other, and I couldn't understand what either one was saying. I've also been advised by Nefarious Nick that those kind of places are also where sex offenders are sent. Thanks but no thanks, Fox Point.

And it amazes me how much crap I accumulate. Empty boxes kept for no reason. Old engineering notes. Dead hookers. Why do I hold on to this stuff?? From now on I'm living with just my clothes, my laptop and a briefcase full of blow. That's all you really need.

Anyway, the moving is done and I'm tired. And Legal Counsel is tired (thanks, Legal Counsel!). And J-Bone is probably tired (thanks, J-Bone!). We just have to unpack and clean up. I started thinking about how often I've moved and it's ridiculous. Here's a list off the top of my head:

1. Phoenix to Graham-Greenlee, August 2001
2. Graham-Greenlee to Phoenix, May 2002
3. North Phoenix to Norther Phoenix, Summer 2002
4. Phoenix to Kaibab-Huachuca, August 2002
5. Kaibab-Huachuca to Phoenix, May 2003
6. Phoenix to Corleone, July 2003
7. Corleone to Phoenix, May 2004
8. Phoenix to Marana, August 2004
9. Marana to Fox Point, April 2005
10. Fox Point to Chez Scooby, November 2005

And that's just me moving my own stuff. I move other people all the time. I much prefer moving others - less thinking required. Here's a list of moving others:

1. Gramps, Summer 2001
2. The Larkitect's Family, Summer 2002(?) - hotter than a Dutch Oven, remember Larkitect?
3. Gramps, Summer 2002(?)
4. Gramps, Summer 2004(?)
5. Legal Counsel, Summer 2005
6. Legal Counsel's Sister, Fall 2005

So in the last 4.25 years, I've moved 10 times. That's ridiculous. I think I officially qualify as a nomad. Or a carny - I do have small hands and smell like cabbage. It's like the mob is after me or something. Hehe...just joking...yes, joking...damn it, here comes another move.

If you include moving others, I've moved 16 times in the last 4.25 years. That's Ludacris. I'm a big dumb animal. If this medicine thing doesn't work out, I've got a bright future as a pack mule.

When Legal Counsel and I are living on our modest doctor/lawyer salaries, I'm going to put an end to this moving nonsense. We'll do one of two things. Option the first: hire movers. Let them deal with the hassle, they sure get paid enough. The advantage of this one is that I can fill an armoire with lead bars, tape it shut and tell them to move it. That'll be good for a laugh. And if when they get a hernia, I can treat it and get some of that money back. Option the second: burn it. Burn it all. Then buy new stuff. This is definitely the more fun option.

Reset move coundown.
New move in: 8 months


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the good doctor doesnt know what he's got himself into! He will soon discover that Chez Scooby is worse than Fox Point. Because occasionally the roomies will shout at each other in gujrati. an insomniac will pace the floor. the house will smell of garlic often. jbone will make weird whining noises. just to name a few.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Saul said...

With this many moves, no wonder you kept getting offers for home loans.

11:03 PM  

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