Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Righter's Bloque

I've got nothin'. My mind is a blank. If you got topics for me to write on, let me know. Here's some random crap for entertainment:

A painful article to read. Reading it gave me the jibblies. I think Welsh soccer hooligans just stole the title of "Craziest Blighters on Earth" from English soccer hooligans. On a related note, I love English sexual slang. Tackle...teehee

Bomb explodes outside KFC in Karachi. 11 herbs and spices...OF DOOM! Poor The Colonel. I guess Church's have moved beyond bombing just abortion clinics.

I wonder if she tied a balloon to her mailbox as the universal sign for "party over here." As D-Rock put it: whatever happened during my teenage years? The only sex and drug parties I got invited to were in that creepy old guy's van. But those parties were awesome. At least i think they were...I don't really remember what happened. Nowadays, those sex and drug parties are thrown by D-Rock's mom. Except replace "drug" with "disease," and "sex" with "freaky, scary sex." I'm never going to one of those parties.

Disney style. No marital tension there. Nope...not at all...

Japanese robot lost in asteroid mission. Uh oh. I've seen those Japanese movies. When that robot sent near the sun returns, it'll be 100m tall and it will destroy us all. I wonder if it was initially designed to spin around and fire little white dots.

CNN, consider yourself scopped.

Class is starting. We're learning about the naughty bits of ladies. Snicker. This should spark my creativity...


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