Thursday, November 10, 2005

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...thank god

From the wonderful state which brought you Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 482 comes another slap in the face of education.

Apparently creationism is going to be taught in Kansas. Sigh. Hopefully The Flying Spaghetti Monster will come down and destroy them. I love the fact that they are using the ironic name "intelligent design" to disguise the teaching of Christianity in schools. Come on, you know they aren't teaching any other religions. And I'm sure they won't use the objective argument of "something created the Universe" - which is equally asinine, to me.

From the article:
In addition, the board rewrote the definition of science, so that it is no longer limited to the search for natural explanations of phenomena.

Right...The following things are now considered science:
1. Reading tea leaves to predict the future
2. Using sheep's bladders to prevent earthquakes
3. Scientology
4. Eating paprika in the attempt to gain superpowers
5. Biology

Am I the only one who sees how ridiculous this is? They've replaced "science" with "the opinion of any jackass who cares to express it." Let's redefine a few other things while we're at it:
Medicine = placing a sick person in the middle of a candle circle and chanting
Law = shooting those you disagree with
Human life = any cells
Bananas = a long curved fruit that grows in clusters and has a soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe
Chairs = those bright things in the sky

Can we just kick Kansas out of the union? It can float in the middle of the US as its own country, like Lesotho. At least until they get their shit together.


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